According to Dr.Nick Ngwanyam, MD President of St Louis University Institute Douala and Bamenda, the team was sent by the minister of State, Minister of Higher Education to inspect the private higher institutes of education.
Afterseveral hours of in-camera discussions, Dr Nick Ngwanyam MD, revealed that activities
were centered on diffulties faced by private higher institutions and ways to resolve.
Dr Nick Ngwanyam MD said H.E the minister of state, Minister of higher education sent the team to higher institutes of learning with a number of objectives, begining with "greetings and encouragement of the Head of State President Paul Biya who has a keen interest in the success of what we do for the technical and professional transformation of our youths, the community and our nation. And also to covey his own best wishes to us".
He continued that it was a *SWOT ANALYSIS* to give the Minister a true picture of what is happening in the nation to the more than 250 institutions to whom authorizations have been granted in many fields.
"They wanted to know the visions and strategies of the promoters and to get to understand the evolution of the business plan"
The minister according to him wanted to find out how they can jointly solve youth problems, as it is observed that private higher institutions are more equipped in some cases than state universities.
Another observation, he says is that state universities have more students and he is looking for a formula
that allows the state universities and private higher institutes to share facilities, resources and students.
"They noticed that some proprietors have invested heavily and do not seem to break even for lack of students and cash flows" Dr Nick
To him, they are trying to understand what can be done to help given that many promoters are indebted to the banks, and also to have a detailed check list they were used with so many questions .
"We had to provide documented evidence to every question, like
The organigram of the institution, the letter appointing senior management into top positions, financial management and bank printouts, authorization letters and decrees to create and open institutions or departments running, the total number of students and their breakdown into levels and departments, insurance cover, CONAC instructions and documentation on corruption, Instructions and implementation on the control of substance abuse ( drugs) in schools, measures put in place to combat COVID; especially buckets with water and soap at strategic entrances" he revealed
We have taps but they insisted we use buckets so that the facilities are made available to students and staff to use before accessing the institution.
12 They spent time looking at our set up, the new buildings, the equipment and furniture.
13 They looked at issues of land size and ownership, building permits and geotechnical analysis of the site.
14 They paid particular attention to the toilets. They insisted that boys' toilets should be away and far removed from girls' toilets. It has been noticed that boys tend to harass girls sexually in toilets at school.
15 They insisted on understanding the Social Corporate Responsibility of the institution in the community. The government expects that when an institution in established in any locality, there should be some positive fallouts in that community. The institution should be carrying out some community out reach activities for the benefit of humanity and the environment. There must be some positive impact that can be identified.
We pointed out to them how many landlords where having a cut from rents. Many houses have also been built and many abandoned structured have been completed and rented out to students and staff. Many women come around to sell food and other services like printing and photocopying are showing up.
St Louis in the near future will build a teaching hospital that will help carter to the health needs of the public. We shall create mobile dental and health clinics.
Our school of agriculture will increase food production and share new techniques and good practices with farmers.
Other institutes of technology and engineering will help as we progressively put them in place.
St Louis through Dr. Nick Ngwanyam as a social communicator has been teaching and encouraging a lot on TV, radio, news papers and social media on peace building, Transfer of Technology, youth empowerment, job and wealth creation as well as health education.
16 They wanted to know what St Louis was doing about digital learning and digital management of the institution. They were glad to see our Google suite at work as well as the management soft ware we have for students. In the near future we shall not be providing hard copy transcripts for students.
Every student has an account and is logged into the system with a code. Everything about the student including discipline and communication or complaints, solutions, praises or insults from the students are archieved. Performance can be tracked. In case a student is going to America and information is needed we just provide the code to anybody in the world that needs such information. That way employers and schools can make their own informed decisions about the student's performance on theory, understanding, technical abilities, practical work and experience, leadership skills. Ability to work in groups and under pressure, problem solving skills as well as ATTITUDE.
This approach will limit document fraud and corruption. It will increase our credibility and give our products a better visibility and opportunities.
17 They assessed the availability of space that would allow for social distancing come June when classes will begin in the classroom setting augmented by e-learning.
18 They paid attention to the canteen/restaurant for the refreshments of students and staff.
19. They insisted that we should create some green spaces and sports facilities for the emotional well being and relaxation of students.
20. We have to provide notice boards of two types. One to carry information with pictures about events taking place at the institution and then the other carrying instructions, news and relevant information.
21 They checked on the pay slips and tax papers.
22 They insisted that a staff delegate most be voted amongst the teaching staff, another for clerical and support staff and yet another for the student body. There should be a student government and all these structures must be renewed yearly by transparent elections.
I might have forgotten one or two details but this is as much as I can recall this morning. 13 5 20".
With regards to difficulties and solutions, Dr Nick said the inspection team wanted to know their difficulties and the proposed solutions.
"We mentioned that we are in the process of setting up a teaching hospital and could benefit from government support if we are given government land. We also mentioned that there are not enough places in hospitals for all students in Cameroon to carry out practical work efficiently. Government should thus make it a rule that any school training in the health domain MUST AND SHOULD BY RIGHT build a clinic or a teaching hospital. They said it was a great idea and cited the University of Haute Montagne in Bangante as a case in point. They said that in requesting for an authorization from the Ministry of Health to build a hospital, proprietors could also seek a backing letter from the Minister of Higher Education throwing weight behind their quest. This should also happen in other departments of technology where help is needed from other ministries.
We asked for farm tractors and other equipment and inputs to help us facilitate the teaching and learning of industrial agriculture.
They also adviced us to partner with state Universities like Douala , Buea, Dschang, Bamenda or Yaounde to benefit from shared facilities"
He continued that they demanded lecturers recruited by the state and paid by the state to be posted to their institution to help us. "They said this was a valid request that needed attention" Dr Nick
St Louis insisted that government should make internet available and affordable to students and teachers to facilitate e-learning, and also complained about the availability of electricity to run computers and Android phones.
The school suggested that institutions should be given a tax and custom duty of 0% to allow them bring in equipment and material to start up cottage industries and technological practical workshops to boast production and practical learning in the nation.
The team on its part advised St Louis to make sure that St Louis exists as a company with a board of directors holding regular meetings and keeping records of minutes, because state, banks and many other funding bodies are not too keen on sole proprietorship businesses, which intend attract very little help in cash and kind.
As a key remark, the MINESUP officials said
they were all very happy and satisfied with a job well done, commending St Louis University institute Douala for doing so much in two years and encouraged the school to make up for the observed deficits.
They encouraged the school to get to their services at MINESUP put our technical paperwork together in those areas where they lacked understanding and capacity like polishing the business plan.
"We were very satisfied. The mission did not come out with a punitive agenda but rather that of encouragement and guidance.
We at St Louis sent out our love and gratitude to H. E . President Paul Biya and his collaborator The Minister of State and Minister of Higher Education Prof. Fame Ndongo" Dr Nick
"We promised to do our best and to follow the instructions to the letter so as to continue to grow and benefit from state support" He Concluded
The team on leaving St Louis University Institute said the great research work done by St Louis Students should be polished and corrected. All the work should be sent to the Ministry in digital format to be uploaded regularly on the Ministry's website.
Dr. Nick Ngwanyam, MD.
President St Louis UNIV Insitute Douala and Bamenda.
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